This is a old fight i have been putting off for a long time, i cut that tree down about 7 years ago and i have not touched it since, well i thought it was time to kick its ass and i did, this stump was swamp oak and was hard as a brick, i hoped it would die but it just got harder.Like so many things i have just stoped and turned my back on well its time to live agine, I gave up on life and just shut down for a long time, just did what i had to only, no fun and did nothing but work, well got my bike back and its time to come out of my shell, going to do some riding and fishing, and just want to spend time with good friends and find better friends, i plan to be me and if people don't like it they know were the door is. But things are good made peace with myself and things between me and my wife are fair since we called it quits, i have got a lot of things done i have put off for a long time, like this stump. got all the wood fixed on the back of the house and work is going good, and every single day i work on becomming a better me, now all i need is time and a good set of arms to hold me sometime and life would be great. Well to all have a wonderful day and treat those women right, you might wake to find them gone...eddie