I found this the other day and just had to have some, with the trouble i have had with my blog lately and some people thinking i write only about them, i thought i would get something to help, this is the new improved asshole repellent, one spray and assholes just go away, but on a real note things are good with me, better everyday, work doing ok and life calming down, i look at things alot better now and make the most of what i have in life, want to change the look of my blog but there seems to be a short between me and blogger, but working on it, got my ass wet today out in the rain working on a truck, and then put a water pump on for ten pounds of shrimp, big ones too, hope to have things fixed around here soon had trouble with the roof it leaked like you were outside in the shed, got that done and now have to fix the fire place will have all done soon, putting a motor in a truck plus service all week so a great week, well will write more soon...Eddie
I love that one - can I have a sip?
My friends, reading my blog, end up calling me and saying "Hey, I am NOTHING like that!"... if you aren't, how come you feel it was you I was writing about? I never mentioned any names... did I?
holy shit you're busy. Good on ya Eddie. I could use some of that repellant some days.
I hate roof leaks...had a major one here and things still aren't quite right yet.
Take care. ;)
Thanks darkness,things seem to be getting better..
Deb-leaks aways suck, i got wet in my shed more than out side, but dry nowwww
I need some of that spray for my own life!
will start selling it soon..
I'm in the process of moving offices, and gee that would come in handy and it would look really great on my new desk lol.
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