Sunday, July 15, 2007

Head out of ass day!!!!

Well not yet!! But thought i would get my head out of my ass and write something, things are busy lately and hot as hell or raining, great fl weather, sitting here with train playing and a big cup of coffee, thinking about getting in the hot tub and soaking my worrys away( and helping my back), will write more another day, for now be safe and enjoy life, and a speacel prayer goes out to (((((((peanut)))))))) may it all work out dear and be safe, out of here for now....Eddie


Pink said...

Hi Eddie - glad to hear you're still kickin'

How was the hottub? Here is rainy and cold :(


Eddie said...

hot tub was great, nice and hot,thanks for stopping by..

Your Friend said...

Thank you for the special thoughts ((Eddie))....

Oh.. tried twice tonight.. (coded message).. but no joy..

Know what I'm talking about?

MarmiteToasty said...

Surely you should fill your hot tub up with cold water if the weather is scorching :).... those hot tubs sound wonderful......

Glad ya still hanging in there eddie.....ya know that saying 'problems are here to pass not to stay' it will all come out in the wash, just you wait and see :)....... see me, always the optimist :)...xxxxx

Eddie said...

Peanut-Yes dear know what your talking about will keep it close tonight,hehehe

toasty- always hang in there,and thats the best way to look at things..

DirkStar said...

As long as there is pain and a pulse there is still life...

Deb said...

hey Eddie...just checking in.

And your last post really hit me. These green eyes know what you're talking about. My guy and I were together since we were 14 and he was my best friend. Things got a little rough at times but I still have those moments too at times...thinking of what could've been. Funny, summer nights spent looking up at a starry sky tend to do it more than anything for me. Hang in there and I will too.

Eddie said...

True dirk so very true

Thanks deb, stars at night are always nice, even better if there is someone to share with..

Anonymous said...

hello there...just checking up on you. i surely hope you are not dead yet! so come back and write!