Over the past 6 months since me and my wife split up i have learned many things about my self, i'am far from perfect but i have looked at the eye of the beast and the parts of me that are wrong i'am fixing, and not for no one but me, i will be the best i can and be happy in life, as far as my wife goes she is a good person who i will always wish the best for in life, it takes two to make or break what we had, we both broke it, and thats all i have to say on it, as far as writing about friends from now on i will use names so people won't think i'm talking about them only and that way there won't be any one getting mad... i could have gave a shit about someone being mad at me but it ended up putting pressure on my wife which she really don't need right now, i want us both to be able to find what we want in life and to be happy and remain friends..
Today is the first day of the rest of my life and life is to short for drama, I plan to live, and to find the things that put a smile on my face, going to start doing cookouts agine, fishing, and just have a little fun in life, nice bike rides, have to work out some to work on the parts of me that need to change a little, i weigh a whole 170 pounds, 6foot 1 inch tall and not to bad looking, some little kids still run when they see me,hehehe, joke there, but all in all i feel much better today, but i would really like to thank every one for the support, thankyou, well to all have a wonderful nite...eddie
You go Eddie :) you rock just for being you. Fuck what the asswads have to say and forgive my language in saying it like that.
I had a similar issue a while back, a few people I knew in "real time" got ahold of my old blog addy. They got this idea that everything I said was about them in some way.
So I added this to my disclaimer:
"Names and other identifying factors may be changed to protect the innocent and to save my ass from the wrath of the guilty. I hold no liability for those who choose to view themselves as the individuals in question."
Its *here* if you wanna read it in full.
Stay strong dude.
Everybody needs a little shelter. *stealing gratuitously from an old Cinderella song*
Thanks jeannie, i guess i could put something up that says if you think this is about you ask, agine thankyou...eddie
Sometimes we arrive at a conclusion because we're simply tiered of thinking.
And sometimes, just sometimes, because we finally get it...
Congrats for this being the second type
I'm glad you'll be sticking around. You're an awesome blogger, and you do too write well. What you say really makes me think.
Goodness.. I'd have been crying if I'd got back home and found you gone..
And then I'd have gone searching through all the old phone records I have, to find your phone number again.. and then your head would've been rolling down the road, boy!!!!
thankyou anne
((((peanut)))- i could never leave you, your my bud, hope all went well
Oh, did people you know read your blog? Yeah, I've pissed off a few that way. But it is our constitutional right to have this. And other than my husband, I am discreet although I still offend a few. They can get their own blog and trash me.
thanks enemy, i like your blog it always has something on it to make me use my mind..
:) - ya stop blobbing and I will fly over and hunt you down and kick your doodle arse......
so, be warned...
don't let the bastards grind you down.
If correct spelling made us better people then we'd have things beat. Unfortunately, there's much more to it. And someone who may not spell things correctly may just be focused on other things, like being a good person. My Dad's the world's worst speller and he's my hero...he's the best person I know. So whoever it is that's trying to beat you down with trivial shit like that, they probably can spell perfectly. And don't know a damn thing about life.
Hang in there...you're doing good stuff here. And we just love ya.
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