I thought this way funny, so many people try to find love online and yes i have looked a few times, some of the storys you read are so funny. Well life moves on and slowly i'am putting the peaces of me back together the way i want them, takes time and not a easy thing at times but i'm tough and have a great since of how i want me to be in life, so many people have told me to find a new love or just get layed, but it is just to soon for me, i'm content to be just me right now , i like not having anyone expect anything of me, if i shave fine, if not fine, i can do what i want when i want. I have more time for the things in life i want to do and its been so long since i just had to worry about just me, Yes there are things i miss about my wife but slowly they fade away. I have time for working on me alone, no hopes but to be the best i can be for me and thats enough for right now, and i really don't care what anyone thinks of me any more, i have missed blogging but i needed to clear out the old head were i could think about life and the things i want, i'm content with my life, i have helped rise 4 kids and have seen more in life than most people have, my life is good and i have a roof over my head, food on the table, i have a job i love and a lot of people don't have that much in life, i have met some very nice people on line( peanut,deb,toasty) and a lot more than i can name. I read threw people's life's on blogs and i feel i'am not the only one with a sad life, shit happens and its better to talk about it than to bury it, i read blogs dayly and feel it helps me. well guess thats all for now to all enjoy life like there is no day comming because it may not....Eddie
That's awful sweet of you, Eddie... :o)
Nice to see you post again.. missed you around the place, but then, I'm a great one to talk, seeing as how it's been almost a week since I posted anything, and then there was a break before that, when the computer was "sick"...
Have to say though, I was thinking about you the other day.. "Where on earth is Eddie when I need him? Dammit.. how one earth am I meant to know what the pressure should be in my tyres.. and how the hell do I put air in them anyway?"... and that was followed by some mumbling and grumbling.....
I'm so car illiterate!!!! ROFL
You could make a killing giving women lessons in car maintenance, you know! *wink
Don't be away for too long this time, if you manage it, ok. People (me) miss you when you're not around..
((((((((((Eddie)))))))) you have achieved so much, and you have yet so much more ahead of you....
keep ya pecker up........ here for ya matie.....
you don't like online dating? what have you got against online scammers from Nigeria?
good to see you back.
I think you have the right attitude for that moment! Too many people are so scared to be alone that they rush into new relationships one after the other... and wonder why it is never going fine...
Taking your time to meet with yourself and know what you really want from life and love is an important step...
hmmm... only my opinion... ;-))
Thanks to all for stopping by and helping with your kind words...eddie
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