This is my baby, after two years she is going to be mine agine, the guy i sold it to got a new one and wants to make a great deal on it, i took it out today to see how she rides and after a few adjustments she flew like the wind, i really needed a good ride and at 130 miles per hour it really clears the mind,the faster i went the better i felt, i was free to fly. My son in law did the paint and when i sold it it put tears in my eyes, but she is home now so after a fast ride and the sun in my face and the wind by my side i felt a calm in me, very nice, made me feel like a king flying down the road going so fast that i could not count the light poles, she is a 1100 honda sabra and she is one of a kind, well got to go things to do roads to ride, be good and have a wonderful nite...
130 miles an hour??????
Just be safe on that thing, will ya Eddie?
You get yourself hurt or anything, and I promise I'll kill you!
Don't go that fast very often, just needed to be free for a short time, but always careful, whats up (((((peanut)))), hope all is well
I'm hanging in there, thanks, Eddie. Life begins to look up for me.. and I think I'm discovering that the light at the end of the tunnel isn't another train heading straight for me! lol Might drop you an email sometime and fill you in on stuff which isn't for public blog viewing, ok?
Eddie the bike sounds like its where it belongs :) its a super looking bike........JUST BE BLOODY CAREFUL ON it, cos if Peanut dont kill ya then I will lol
Sounds like you're in a much better frame of mind now...so glad to read this!!
What a beaut your bike is and I'm glad that you're feeling the freedom of riding again. Just make sure you come back after the rides to fill us in on how great they were.
don't you just love the synchronicity of life
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