As i sit here living every day and seeing what the world holds for me in this thing we call life, i see that it is what we make it, i sit for so very long feeling sorry for my self and now i see the time i've wasted being stupid. I look out at the storm and see the rain is not so bad after all, so many things we over looked in life, always felt i had to be with some one to be compleat, now i see that in life all we need is to be content with ones self, not don't get me wrong love is grand but not all it's made out to be. No one ever seems to be happy with one another, seems the grass is always greener some were else in life, seems like you will never be good enough no matter what you do, but i say shit to that, if they can't learn to help each other then they had no insite in the first place, everyone live's behind the walls to pectect them selfs from each other, when is someone going to stand up and start living life instead of hiding from it. Life is wonderful at times and if you take the time to look inside your self its all in side you, yea its nice to have some one to share it with but you can do it by your self if you want to..After being single for almost 2 years it made me look at my self and see the things inside me that haunted me and made me be the way i was, i over looked the things that should have been important in life to me.. but in the light of a new day i see i'm better off with the way things worked out or i would have never seen what i was doing in life, but me i'm a work in progess to see how much i can make me whole and to live life and see were it leads me and knowing which road to travel for me.. but i'm happy with me and the things i do in life, i watch my kids grow and see there life's move own with me here to see it and thats enough for now, nothing in life last forever so be happy with the little spot you have, i live, i learn, i see, i touch, i breath, life's good for now enjoy it all, live like the day is your last on earth, never know were you might wake up next....Eddie
Hope you're doing o.k. Eddie. :)
thanks deb, hope all is well with you too
Hey ((you))
Check your mail!
Me :o)
Amen to that....good to see you hanging in there. xox pinks
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