Yep i'm still alive, sorry to let you know that, know some people wish i would fall off the face of the world but what can i say, things are good and just working on life and cars trying to find my way in the world like everyone else, thought i would start bloging agine and see if i can do better at it, need something to put my spare time in, hope to see you all soon...eddie
Hey, welcome back.
I don't think you need to do better at this blogging...I think you're doing just fine. It's always nice to read a blog so full of honesty and deep thoughts, like the one you've got here.
Hope to see more of you.
I was so glad to see your comment drop into my mailbox earlier on..and I'm glad to see your new post too... missed you.
I shall have to think of something to post as well, huh? To be honest, I just haven't been "feeling it" lately... /sigh
Thanks for the gentle nag to get back into the groove, Eddie.. ((hug))
Hi Eddie - welcome back! How's everything there, sunshine? I could use a cuppa.
((((Eddie))))) Welcome back matie :)....
Pink, go put the bloody kettle on for a brew will ya lol
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