Been real busy with work and trying to get some much needed house work done, got the new wood on the back of the house now for the paint, got a tranmission to put in sunday and still no time for a beach ride, got to stay busy and work on life. I found this on a site i go to and thought it fit me well, lost my diamond while i was out looking at stones, so whats new in the world, was sorry to hear about baron passing away, he had a kind soul i know in my heart he will be missed in the blog world, its hard to say why someone so young left so early in life guess the lord knows why. I have been doing alot of looking at life and know in my mind that the place i have made for myself will only help me right now, i have alot to do on me and every day i work on letting go of the past, moving on with my life and trying to find peace of mind but all in all i get better every day, i smile and hold no bad feelings inside, this is not were i planed on being in life but will make do with what i have to work with.
I plan to take a week off and just ride when all is paid off and just see what kind of old friends i can find, have lost touch with alot of people and would like to see how they are, maybe even wet a hook and see how the fish are, have quit doing so many thing i enjoy in life. but for right now i am content to be with my kids and just by my self, don't have to please anyone but me , and my cats and dogs, I lay my head down every night and i know i did the best i could for the day, and i feel it will only get better, well to all have a wonderful night and be sure to hold the one you love they might not be there when you wake up, best to all, eddie
ooh this post of yours makes me want to cry. you are such a beautiful soul.
sometimes being a good person is not the same as being a good partner. and sometimes it isnt love its only something new
(((Eddie)))) this love malarkie is a complicated business :) xxxx
hiya eddie~~thought i'd pop over for visit to ur blog. i'm gonna give u two quotes that i use on my myspace page: “Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.” "Never allow someone to be your priority, while allowing yourself to be their option." i like that ur working on urslf, cuz in the long run, the only person we can change is ourselves, eh? it's a lesson i'm learning everyday in the maddening world of blended families lol
Your posts are always so heartfelt. I just think that is AWESOME!!
I have a post about KY girls at the bottom of mine today - I thought of you when I saw it!!
XO - Jen
that was so very well said. The last part especially...hit me right in the heart.
thanks to all
What happened to your comment on my page? It says you deleted it??
Jinsane- just thought my post was to bold and was being nice by removing it...
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