The day started off warm , got dressed and drank my coffee, sitting on the porch watching life pass by me, the clouds slowly blew by and the sun shined threw, as i sit there alone thinking about life, out she came, like a beam of light coming into the day she passed by and sit in the chair across from me, as i looked into her sweet green eyes i knew in my heart i had lost the best part of me, but if she can be happy it is worth it, she has been sad for so long, as we sit and talked i felt a calm about myself and work called my name, off i had to go but parts held me up, so worked on a engine and then returned to service trucks , got home at 4pm and then had to do brakes on a car. thought about a ride tonite but was just to tired, sit here now waiting for hot water and thinking about my life and all the turns it has followed, each soul i have touched has left part of it self on me, i have lived and loved, watched children grow, have seen many wonderful things, but the water at night washing over the bow of a ship touched me, it glowed like a green light in the dark, the fish would swim in it and it was just wonderful, words can not really tell it in the right way, you would have had to be there.
Things like that touch me, little things that most people would not care about. A lot of people judge you about your home, or your money, or the way you look, well to me the love of a good woman and the thought that you did the best you could means more to me, we are all human, we all make mistakes, we learn from them if we are smart, well water is hot so let me go wash the dirt of another day off, i lay down tonite knowing inside myself i did the best i could today....eddie
It's all you can do Eddie.. your best.
D'ya have any good plans for the weekend?
Glad your back blobbing Eddie...... life will eventually suss and sort itself out ya know ((Eddie))
peanut- have to work, thats my whole life right now
toasty- thanks and in time
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