Days move on and life goes by but i still keep on trucking on day by day, today was hot had to get up a 5am and go service trucks, then put a fuel pump in a 2002 tahoe so was a busy day and still found time to help a friend swap tires on his car. Each day gets better for me as i find me more and more, Its always seems to be lost to me why we never have fun any more, why else are we here, to do the best we can and enjoy what we make for our selfs in life, to help each other live life the best we can with what we have, to smile at all we find wonderful in life, to touch and feel in life, the heart closes and we become so lost in this world, we work to build a life and then never enjoy it, why not just smile and say well i did the best i could and thats enough for now.. In the past i worried about such stupid shit in life, i was looking for some one or something to make me happy but it was inside me all the time, all i had to do is find it agine, lost but not forgotten, I might not be the best looking or the riches or drive the best cars but i'm happy for what i have and i feel happy inside at this point in life so what the hell, i stole this picture at a site i read all the time loved the way she is heading for the gate..Well guess i ragged on your ears long enough for now ,,,chow