I thought this was so fitting, they need to put him in a pit with a bunch of dogs and let them eat his ass, hopefuly someone one in prison will love dogs enough to teach him a lession, life is fair and things going good , have not been able to free my mind enough to blog the way i want to, so many things in there i want to say but the words will not come to me..., but i get better every day and have very few sad days, i look forward to the day when my soul will be free of this mess and i move on with life one way or the other, i miss the touch of another person and someone to do things with but i'm getting use to being alone, shame alone with some one so close to me but no feeling returned in any way, but one day who knows what will happen in this life...I have hope and drive to make it, won't be down for long, want to thank peanut for stopping by to cheak on me, thanks dear, it helps pull me out of myself, lot of work today and tired, rain missed me so i stayed dry.
Will try to do better at blogging need to find to words i want to say without always talking about my pain, so sick of reading my own words, they always say the same shit, there are so many more important things in life than me all the time, well to all have a wonderful night...eddie