Well today was a good day, worked hard and got a lot done so thats all i can ask for now. Did brakes and tune up on a truck, just trying to make do with what i have, got to do service at mathews sunday, got to keep those trucks running but i like it. working on me a lot and trying to just live in this one moment in time, letting go of all the past and really don't care about what happens in the future right now, just one day at a time and it seems to work for now. things change in life and nothing last forever but we carry on in any way we can. i look back on all the things in my life and i still smile. i love me and the things i do and that will keep getting better, i miss the things and people i have lost but each one of them have touched me in some way that i like. Still looking for a car to do but they are hard to come by here in fl, but the hunt goes on, i want a 69 charger and a new charger and then strip the new one and put every thing in the old one. I think that would be cool as hell, we shall see. but things are good with me and thats a first for a long time, mind and heart are calming down and i see that the world will still turn and move on. Also would like to think all the wonderful people that have been coming here and giving me support and helpful advice(thinks) well let me run for the night, night to all and sleep well and warm..