Have you ever lost someone and known they were the best part of you, well that the way i feel tonight, i know i should not be feeling this way but sometimes i still do, I was part of something that was so good and let it slip away, and nights like this just seem to remind me of the sweet things i miss. 16 years ago i fell in love with a sweet set of green eyes that has a sweetness that goes with it, tall and lean with a great since of love making, long sweet arms, with legs that go on forever. She showed me how to live agine, in her arms i grew to know love and what love was about, but i never knew the last lession till now, i should have not worried about any thing she did, should have just been happy that she was with me, because none of it was important as long as she loved me, hard lession to learn if your male.
We go threw life not caring about the things we should care about, like a sweet set of arms around you late at nite, someone to share a hot cup of coffee on a cold day, someone to love you no matter what you do. To feel a sweet nude body next to you late at night and to know she's there because she wants to be, things like that i miss right now, I see her everyday i see those green eyes and i know they are no longer mine, my fault, can't really blame noone but my self.
Now don't think i'm sitting here crying in my milk, just one of those nights that i really miss her, and would trade my left nut to have her back, but each day i get better, in the day i'm strong and do what i have to, i thank about her and it puts a big smile on my face, but all in all i wish her happyness in life, and hope she finds her happy place she needs. well will run for now, to all have a wonderful night...eddie
Dude,you are getting better every day...
Please help me to help Al Gore save the planet.
Have my good and bad ones, thanks dude, hows the little one..
(((eddie))) its called a rollercoaster ride your one, up and down and round and round....... eventually it will level out and ya will bump into the end :)
Did I ever tell ya me and me lads went on that HADES rollercoaster in Wisconstance when we was over...... it was the closest Ive ever come to pooing me pants lol..... it was BRILL :)
Keep ya pecker up matie xx
thanks toasty
How you doing Eddie? Hang in there - It happens to me too - not that he was the best thing that ever happened to me.
I keep thinking of 'the man who said he loved me' because well - I loved him. Love doesn't come around that often. And its painful when we lose it - for whatever reason.
But I have faith in both of us, my friend. We will both love again. Keep moving forward and keep your head up - the sky is blue!
Tanks pink, i guess at times i just feel i was part of something good and i let it slip away, but get better each and every day...
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